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[9076] Color mapping on export to DōGA CGA / Todd Zircher
[質問,DOGA] 返信
When exporting models into the DōGA library, colors/materials do not always map properly.  Is there a list of color names that Meta 4 uses?  It does not seem to match genie.atr since some names do work while other fail to render in the thumbnail or show up in the SUF file.
2021-07-15 13:02


[9085] Re: Color mapping on export to DōGA CGA / Todd Zircher
>>The function of loading .atr files is obsolete in the latest version, so please use Ver4.6.9 or older versions.
>One correction. It is only the output that is obsolete, so it can be imported in the latest version.
>In any case, detailed support is no longer available.
>Please make sure that the material name in the .suf file, the definision in .atr file, and texture location are appropriate.

Thank you for the answer.  Just for your information, in the latest build of Meta, export to L3 almost works.  The only problem is that the export does not map to every color in the ATR file.  That might be that the L1/L2 materials are a subset of L3 or that the names have changed on some materials.  It gives me something to look for at least.  Thanks again.
2021-07-17 14:32
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